Saturday, June 21, 2008


Aphado, bukan "apa dong" adalah kata dari bahasa Korea yang bila diterjemahkan secara bebas berarti "Even if it hurts". Sayangnya penjelasan tersebut tidak ada hubungannya sama sekali dengan posting ini. Loh, kalau begitu kenapa ditulis? Dengan memperbanyak jumlah tulisan saya berharap supaya blog ini tampak seperti blog yang ditulis oleh orang yang kreatif dan tidak pernah kehabisan ide, selain itu... -cut-

Oke, cukup OOTnya. Berikut ini saya tampilkan dua buah klip video yang menarik. Hanya saja sebelum pembaca yang budiman memutar kedua klip terebut maka ada beberapa hal yang perlu saya sampaikan. Pertama, kedua video klip ini adalah cerita bersambung. Jadi menonton video kedua sebelum video pertama bisa dikategorikan sebagai sebuah ketidakcerdasan terencana, terutama karena saya sudah memperingatkan anda disini. Kedua, video kedua lebih penting daripada video pertama. Karena itu tontonlah video kedua setelah anda menonton video pertama, dan bila anda tidak punya cukup waktu untuk menonton kedua video tersebut, sebaiknya anda mencari video lain saja. Ketiga, bila anda termasuk orang yang jantungan over-sensitive, maka saya tidak menganjurkan anda untuk melihat kedua video di bawah ini. Keempat, siapkan tissue secukupnya. Kelima, bila tissue itu tidak digunakan harap dikembalikan ke tempat semula demi kenyamanan kita bersama.

Maka tanpa banyak basa-basi lagi, inilah kedua video tersebut. Selamat menyaksikan.

Seperti telah saya selatankan utarakan sebelumnya, video kedua akan mendapat perhatian lebih (loh, situ kok nangis-nangis? Saya aja nggak... nggak salah). Jadi bagi yang berani mencoba menyanyikan lagu kita hari ini bisa nyontek lirik berikut ini (makasih buat


romanization by: Sabby ~NBK~ (also credit:

Aphado na noui sonul nohji anhulle
hanuri gajyogan naui sarangul
sumi maghidorog guriumi joeyo ojiman
nunmurun samkhyo yahe
yorin misomajo arumdaun nol
irohge nan bonel sun obso

Noui sonul kog jabun ne sondunge torojin nunmurun
nal dugo tonaganun nol midji mothan ne aphumdul
nunaphe pyolchyojin midul su obnun gwanggyonge
chijojil dud aphaonun ne gasumun munojigo
nomunado saranghedon uriduri yogie
non hanuri nege jushin ne sarange majimag gihoe
gurogie norul wihe ne modun gosul dwie
boryodun che mogsumboda gwihan noui gyothul jikhine

Ne sonul nohji mothesso
chagawojin noui hayan du sonul
narul chadnun noui majimag nungil
nan kuthi anirago marhago shipho

Nega garuchyojulge arumdaun uri yonghone sarang
nonun birog gyothe objiman nan gasumuro norul nukkil su isso oh

Werohi changgae dullyo onun bissori
majimag jagbyol insaman gathunde
sulphun kumirago nunul dashi gamabojiman
boiji anhnun noya
yorin misomajo arumdaun nol
irohge nan bonel sun obso

Mianhe hangsang norul sulphugeman hessogo
yongsohe aphun norul himdulgeman hessogo
amugodo gajin godo obnun nayojiman
non onjena ne gyotheso hangsang balge uso jwonungol
dwinudge huhoehamyo norul gide hebwado
non imi nawa darun sesanguro gaboryonungol
jogumman gidaryojul su igeni
nujojiman dashi norul mannal gunalkaji
let me say good bye

Ne sonul nohji mothesso
chagawojin noui hayan du sonul
narul chadnun noui majimag nungil
nan kuthi anirago marhago shipho

Nega garuchyojulge arumdaun uri yonghone sarang
nonun birog gyothe objiman nan gasumuro norul nukkil su isso oh

Aphado na noui sonul johji anhulle
hanuri gajyogan naui sarangul
sumi maghidorog guriumi joeyo ojiman
nunmurun samkhyo yahe
yorin misomajo arumdaun nol
irohge nan bonel sun obso
onuldo nowa nan kumul hamkehe

Terjemahan bebas tanpa nuansa politis apapun:

Even if it hurts

translation by: Jungie (also credit:

Even if it hurts, I'm not letting go of your hand.
The heavens have taken away my love and though
longing is suffocating me so I can't breathe
I have to swallow my tears back.
Even your fraile smile is beatiful.
I can't let go you like this.

rap) My tears have fallen on the back of my hand that's holding tightly
to yours.
My pain can't believe that you're leaving me behind.
My heart, hurting like it's being ripped in two, breaks down
before the unbelievable scene unfolding before my eyes.
Because we were so in love, because you were the last hope for my love
that the heavens had sent me, because that's who you were I threw
everything away behind me. You were more important than my life
and so I had protected you.

I couldn't let go your hand...
Your two cold white hands...
and your last gaze was looking for me.
I want to say that this isn't the end.

I'll teach you the beatiful love of our spirit.
Though you're not by my side, I can feel you with my heart.

The sound of the rain reaches the window
It seems like a last good bye.
I try to close my eyes again telling myself it's just a sad dream
but you're the one that I can't see.
Even your fraile smile is beatiful.
I can't let you go like this.

rap) I'm sorry, I always made you sad.
Please forgive me, I made it harder for you even
though you were already sick.
I had nothing to offer but still you smiled brightly for me.
Even if I wait for you, regretting too late, you've already
departed to a world different from mine.
Could you wait just a little bit?I t's a little late,
but just until the day I meet you again.
Let me say good bye.

I couldn't let go your hand...
Your two cold white hands...
and your last gaze was looking for me.
I want to say that this isn't the end.

I'll teach you the beatiful love of our spirit.
Though you're not by my side, I can feel you with my heart.

Even if it hurts, I'm not letting go of your hand.
The heavens have taken away my love and though
longing is suffocating me so I can't breathe
I have to swallow my tears back.
Even your fraile smile is beatiful.
I can't let go you like this.

Semoga anda-anda sekalian menikmati sajian dari saya hari ini. Seluruh kerabat kerja yang bertugas mengucapkan terima kasih dan sampai jumpa di posting selanjutnya.


lite said...

ih habs, videonya sedih ya?
gw lagi hormon sedih ni, ntar gw nangis2 sesenggukan pngen pulang gmn hayo... gw tonton kapan2 aja deh >_<

Zakka Fauzan Muhammad said...

ya ampun, videonya sedih banget...

Unknown said...

lucu jg videonya,,
(lho ko malah ga sedih??)

Ismail Habib said...

@lite: beli tiket dulu Yus, baru nonton videonya :P

@zakka: selamat, anda normal

@hardani: selamat, anda ajaib (loh? :P)

Brahmasta said...

lucu boneka2nya..

Unknown said...

Ehehe korea banget ya bib. Kartun boneka aja dibikin drama mengharukan.

Hix hix hix.