Monday, September 10, 2007

Oh my...

You Are 55% Feminine, 45% Masculine

You are in touch with both your feminine and masculine sides.
You're sensitive at the right times, but you don't let your emotions overwhelm you.
You're not a eunuch, just the best of both genders.


lite said...

Oh, my!
I knew it! ;D

ted said...

iya .. keliatan ... manis, diam dan ngga neko neko ... feminin lah .. tapi suka bola .. jadi nya maskulin ...:)

Ismail Habib said...

manis, diam, dan ga neko-neko?

tak kusangka pencitraanku begitu kerennya... :">

Credo said...
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Credo said...

gyahahaha.. 'pencitraan' =))

Dan, gyahahahaa.. for the test result! =))